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The Complete Games User Research Fundamentals
Part 1: Introduction to Games User Research
A welcome from Steve Bromley (3:55)
Join the community on Discord (and join our live Q&As)
Game development is risky (6:30)
Why do games have problems? (6:53)
What is games user research? (3:42)
How does games user research differ from other industries? (4:10)
Get set up to run real playtests
What Can We Learn With Games User Research
What can we learn from user research? (1:51)
Common research objectives (2:12)
Getting high quality research objectives from teams (6:23)
Games User Research Methods
Introduction to Games User Research methods (3:21)
One to One moderated sessions (5:35)
Multi-seat playtests (3:19)
Surveys (3:02)
Interviews (3:36)
Usability reviews (4:00)
Games User Research Methods Quiz
A Games User Research Cheat Sheet
Part 2: Qualitative Research
Introduction To Part Two - Qualitative Research (0:54)
Introducing Your Study & Code Screening (2:37)
Activity: Code Screening
Getting the right players (4:19)
Making a study plan (6:00)
Activity: Make your study plan
Run A Qualitative Games User Research Study
Moderate a games user research study (8:07)
Observing and data collection (4:37)
Activity: Run your study (15:03)
Analysing Playtest Data
How to analyse playtest data (9:02)
Activity: Analyse your data
How to describe playtest issues (6:39)
Activity: Report playtest issues
Sharing Research Findings
Sharing Research Findings (7:26)
See a games user research report
Part 3: Quantitative Research
Introduction To Part Three - Quantitative Research (0:51)
When are surveys the right method? (13:34)
When are surveys dangerous?
How to decide research objectives for your survey (16:07)
Survey Logistics
How many players do I need? (4:40)
Define your players (4:35)
Pick a survey tool (2:57)
Surveys - Write Good Questions
Write Good Questions (9:36)
Basic Question Types (8:18)
Generating questions from research objectives (6:11)
Build Your Survey (4:28)
Survey Questions Examples
[Activity] Write your survey for real
Distribute your survey
Surveys - Analyse Your Survey Data
[Activity] Analyse your data (45:43)
Analyse Text Data (8:27)
Analyse Numerical Data (6:14)
Analyse Rating Scales (4:50)
Clean your data
Surveys - Share What You Learned
Find the meaning (6:12)
Make clear graphs (4:39)
Reporting (7:52)
[Activity] Report your conclusions (14:10)
Part 4: Preparing For A Career In Games User Research
Introduction to Part Four - A Career in the games industry (1:16)
What is a games user research job like? (15:18)
Getting into the mindset of Hiring Managers (26:50)
Presenting a compelling CV (21:46)
Do user researchers need a portfolio? (2:00)
The hiring process, and early screening questions. (4:44)
Preparing for a job interview (34:03)
How to nail a presentation task (11:53)
What is a career in the games industry like? (9:55)
Part 5: What Next
Advancing research throughout development (5:10)
Congratulations, and get your certificate (1:04)
Continue your games user research journey
Bonus: Run A Real Study with PlaytestCloud
Introduction - Run Your Own Study With PlaytestCloud (2:31)
How To Redeem Your PlaytestCloud Offer
Pick a game for your playtest (2:06)
Decide between a moderated or unmoderated study (2:58)
Set up your first study (8:02)
Other study types - multi-sessions, surveys, interviews and moderated studies (7:40)
What next
Bonus Lesson: Pokemon Unite Study
Bonus Lesson: Pokemon Unite Study (579:21)
Bonus Lessons: Q&As & Guest Speakers
Live Q&A's with Steve Bromley (50:38)
Guest Speaker: Triskal DeHaven (ex-Meta) on VR Playtesting (56:05)
Guest Speaker: Kyros Jijia Shen on Statistics for Games User Research (34:44)
Bonus Talk: Steve Bromley on Impactful User Research (59:42)
Guest Speaker: Jonathan Bonillas on Concept Testing (39:54)
Guest Speaker: Giuseppe Granata on UX Design (60:19)
Guest Speaker: Walker Tate on Testing With Kids (59:35)
Guest Speaker: Emily Joseph on her journey from Academia to GUR (65:03)
Guest Speaker: Gareth Lloyd on AI for Games User Research (54:46)
Guest Speaker: André Zacharias on Biometrics in Games User Research (52:54)
Guest Speaker: Chloe Patricia Hodgson on Promoting Accessibility (46:06)
Guest Speaker: Emma Varjo on using UX skills for better Leadership (55:10)
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Guest Speaker: Emma Varjo on using UX skills for better Leadership
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