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The Playtest Kit

The toolkit for running your own unbiased games user research studies.

Made in collaboration with game designers, producers, community managers, UX designers, QA managers and solo game devs, combined with my expertise from over 25,000 playtest hours it’s the complete playtest toolkit – making playtesting accessible to all.

It’s a comprehensive & actionable toolkit packed with processes, templates, guides, and tools.

Everything you need to integrate the best of games user research into your process and be confident running playtests today.

Learn more at

Free One Hour Consult with Steve Bromley

Build in-house games user research capability with training, coaching and consulting, and run playtests that matter.

You can run efficient user research, that makes a real difference to game development decisions.

We can use the time for your own professional development, to sanity check your study, or help you ensure your research has impact!

“… really helped me faciliate and set up proper playtests to be effective for our developers with as little participant bias as possible, culminating in a smooth and successful release of some of our recent content.” – Michelle P, Fatshark Games